General Terms and Conditions
for business and private clients
The 'Ingenious Reflection' by ZanteStudio OU company conducts its business activities on the basis of the company's articles of association. According to the basic provisions ofthe articles of association, the company's major type of activity is creation and publishing of unique musical notation releases as well as organization and holding of educational music events (masterclasses, presentations, music creation workshops and concert performances). Our company (ZanteStudio OU) conducts its commercial activities by selling its brand products (the Next-Gen Music Score Album) on the international marketas well as by providing other specialized services to clients in the form of various educational or commercial music events.

The company's authentic printed music products shall be provided to potential clients on the basis of a bilateral agreement with an end user. Accordingly, this agreement shallgovern the commercial relations between an end user who wishes to purchase the authentic music products or any special services and the company that offers an exclusive list of products and services to the client. Other exclusive services like access to the educational content on the official website, the organization and holding of unique master classes, music creation workshops, presentations and concerts shall be governed by other bilateral agreements, by default.

In its activities, the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand abides by the high standards of quality of its products and other services provided by the company. The companyis also guided by the general principles of good faith, morality and obligations in relations with our business partners, investors, personals, clients and users. At the same time, we sincerely expect of our partners, clientsand users their deep understanding and sensible attitude in terms of protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights.
Sales Policy
In accordance with the general provisions of the company's articles of association in terms of commercial activities and the general policy in terms of protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights, the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand sells its authentic music score releases in the variety countries/continents. The company also reserves the right to amend the list of countrieson the basis of the general policy of relationship of trust and active involvement in the effective prevention of global piracy.

Legal sales of the authentic music score releases may occur via the company's official website, via Local Delivery Offices or via the network of authorized music notationshops. The general sales policy also provides for informing the buyers (clients) of the requirements in terms of protection of intellectual property and copyright within the framework of the IR Concept. The general rights,obligations of the parties and other terms and conditions of use of music score releases shall be stipulated in a bilateral agreement between an end user (buyer) and the company.
All the publishing rights related to the authentic music score releases are reserved to Noa Zante and the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand. The copyright for the original music pieces is reserved to their owners / authors and the right to use them within the 'IR Concept' is delegated by the authors themselves according to bilateral agreements or oral arrangements.

Any copying, reprinting or illegal replication of the original material of the music score releases or their parts without the copyright owner's written consent is prohibited.Besides, the 'Ingenious Reflection' company has exclusive rights in relation to the official website and its content as well as exclusive right in relation to all the products created and realized within the frameworkof the IR Concept and bearing the company's logo, trademark and other protective marks certifying the authenticity of the products.
Anti-Piracy Statement
The 'Ingenious Reflection' brand is actively involved in the activities that are directly or indirectly related to the prevention of piracy and illegal distributionof intellectual property products and the protection of copyright. As for the protection of brand products, namely music score releases and other exclusive content, we introduce in our authentic music releases certain technological solutions and ideas that enable their effective protection from unauthorized copying (scanning), replication or spreading via the Internet. We also cooperate in this area with other technological companies, web services, platforms and start-ups that offer the best tools for the effective protection of digital and printed content from piracy.
Website Terms of Use
The website visitors (users) are provided with free access to all the content of the 'Ingenious Reflection' company's official website registered under the domain

Any republishing for any purposes of the original materials of the Ingenious Reflection official website, including textual, graphic, audio or video content, is prohibited.

The 'Ingenious Reflection' brand undertakes to provide the websites visitors and users with undated and full information about the authentic music score releases andthe holding of various educational, commercial or entertainment music events. The 'IR Brand' also undertakes to give prompt (within 2-3 working days), exhaustive and well-grounded answers to the users' requests, questions, offers, etc.

It is allowed to post on other internet resources or in social networks the corresponding links or references to our website with a brief description (abstract) of this article, a theme or image from the official website.

Any unauthorized posting of external advertisements (by internet providers, search engines and other internet services) is prohibited. It is one of the 'IR' Brand spriorities to ensure the most convenient conditions for our visitors and users to view our website and its content and, therefore, any income from posting any advertisements on our website is of no interest to us in principle. This issue is not and will never be a priority in our activity. In this connection, we ask any potential advertisers, marketing specialists or merchandisers not to disturb us about it.
According to the terms and conditions of this agreement, an end user or buyer who has officially bought from the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand its music score releases or other exclusive services shall assume the right of personal use of such products or services on the following conditions:

✓ According to the EULA, a user has the right to personally use the authentic music score release for educational purposes or music performance practice. The user also has the rightto public performance of the piece of music within the framework of any commercial or non-commercial stage performances and concerts of public and private nature.

✓ At the same time, a user may not make any changes in the original music score releases or republish / replicate in any way the material of the original music notation release.

✓ On their part, the 'IR' brand undertakes to deliver to an end user its authentic music score releases in proper condition, free of defects, deformity or other visibledamage. The 'Ingenious Reflection' brand also guarantees the high quality of its products as well as uniqueness and exclusiveness of music and other content of the music score release.

✓ According to this Agreement, a user may not copy (scan), reprint or replicate in an unauthorized manner the original content of the music score release or any part of it. It isalso strictly forbidden to replicate and spread the material of the original release via the Internet or by other means of mass distribution (social network accounts, internet forums, social groups and chats, etc.).
Music Events Policy
The organizer of all music events held within the framework of the IR Music Art Circle ecosystem is the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand. Consequently, this means that 'Ingenious Reflection' officially guarantees the observance/fulfilment of certain terms and conditions (of the given offer, in accordance with the rules, terms and conditions of holding music events declared by the company).

First of all, this applies to the general rules, terms and conditions of acquiring the so-called IR Open-Ended Event Vouchers by the clients as this type of a special concert entrance ticket is actually a form of open liability to the end user/client on the part of the organizing company.
Audio/Video Music Records
Most digital audio record published on the official Ingenious Reflection website is actually a preview product distributed on the terms and conditions of the Creative Community License. These pilot audio records, usually created with the use of sampling audio recording technologies, are aimed, first and foremost, at representing the author's general vision of the sounding of the music score of this or that piece of music from the Ingenious Reflection collection, not more – not less.

According to the IR music philosophy, among the audio-visual music content, major value is attributed to analogue live studio recordings released in the format of Vinyl Record and VR Live Music Visual Recording Session. This type of original music content (alongside with the Next-Gen Music Score Album) will be the official commercial music product from the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand.
Final Provision
So, on purchasing an authentic music score release from the 'Ingenious Reflection' brand or its partners or official representatives (art agents, managers, etc.), a user undertakes to abide by the above mentioned conditions and rules of using the product and assumes (moral, reputational and legal) responsibility for the observance of these rules and the terms and conditions of the useragreement. In case of breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement, a user shall bear full or limited legal, reputational and moral liability to the company and its official partners and representatives in accordancewith the law on the protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights, the Madrid Protocol and other regulations governing such disputes in terms of procedural law.